Aesculus Composition: 50ml cont. : Aesculus 1X 5ml; Secale cornutum 3X, Viscum album 2X, Tabacum10X, Solanum nigrum 6X, Arnica, Echinacea angustifolia, Baptisia, Rhus toxicodendron 4X, Cuprum 13X, Ruta, Dulcamara, Colchicum 4X, Baryum jodatum 6X, Hamamelis, Apis mellifica, Acidum benzoicum 4X, Arteria 10X, ana 0. 5 ml.
Contains 35 Vol% alcohol.
Indications: Peripheral disorders circulation, e. g. gangrenous condition theleg due to excessive smoking, intermittent claudication, endarteritisobliterans, arteriosclerosis, decubitus, elephantiasis, cholesterolemia, dismenorrhea, inner ear deafne, post embolic circulatory disorders, Iymphatism, status apoplexia and post infarctum. the temporary relief of cold hands and feet, hemorrhoids, varicose veinsand tingling and numbness extremities.
age: In general, 10 drops directly on the tongue 3 times daily. In acutedisorders initially 10 dosagevery 15 minutes.
Form in which supplied and package size: Dropper bottle containing 50ml.
Pharmacological and clinical notes Constituents Indications
Aesculus (horse chestnut) Regul's the peripheral circulation, the Iymph flow, capillary action
Secale cornutum (spurred rye) Paresthesia, disturbances peripheral circulation
Viscum album(mistletoe) Sudden attacks vertigo, antisclerotic effect
Tabacum (tobacco) Vascular spasms, paresthesia
Solanum nigrum(black nightshade) Improves the cerebral function through regulation circulation.
Arnica (mountain arnica) Toning action on the arterial vascular system.
Echinacea angustifolia (narrow-leaved cone flower) Stimulation defensive system
Baptisia (wild indigo) Septic conditions, eliminates homotoxins, (Iymph circulation).
Rhus toxicodendron(poison oak) Rheumatism and neuralgia, starting pains.
Cuprum (copper) Spasmolytic agent
Ruta (rue) To render the vessels impervious, antisclerotic agent.
Dulcamara (bittersweet) Remedy to counteract the effects of weather, sensation of having caught a chill.
Colchicum (meadow saffron) Rheumatism muscles and joints.
Baryum jodatum(barium iodide) Arteriosclerosis.
Hamamelis (witch hazel) Venous stasis, varicose veins. (thrombo-) phlebitis, crural ulcers, hemorrhoids, venous hemorrhages.
Apis mellifica (honey bee) Edematous swelling.
Acidum benzoicume resina (benzoic acid) Uric acid diathesis. Arteria suis (artery) Stimulation capillary functions.
action Aesculus compositum can be reinforced by injections irculo-lnjeel and Placenta compositum; by way general stimulation he detoxicating processes also through Hepar compositum (hepaticdetoxification) and Populus compositum (oral preparation to stimulate therenal function), likewise through Lymphomyosot and Apis-Homaccord (bothorally and as injections), which also exert a purifying action on theconnective tissue and stimulate the renal function, further throughconstitutionally effective biotherapeutic agents (Psorinoheel, Galium-Heel, Schwef-Heel, Sulfur-Heel, Nux vomica-Homaccord, Calcoheel, etc.). hypertension Rauwolfia compositum is indicated in addition, likewise, bymeans Coenzyme compositum ampules, Ubichinon compositum ampules andpo ibly
Glyoxal compositum, blocked enzyme functions should be reacti-vated. In thetreatment such circulatory disorders,
therefore, the therapeutical holistic principle should be observed, which isachieved by the administration compositum, Cralonin, Aurumheel drops, Melilotus-Homaccord, Glonoin-Homaccord and spigelia compositum, inmyocardial infarction with Strophanthus compositum, in apoplectic conditionswith Carbo compositum.
With regard to the hormonal control of circulatory mechanism, one mayalso consider po ibly Thyreoidea compositum (powerful action on theconnective tissue, antineoplasmatic action) and d scus compositum ampules(neural irritation with paresthesia in osteochon-drosis, etc.).
dosage is adjusted according to the disease, the clinical appearance andthe stage illne.