Natural alternative to aspirin. Helpful for a wide range of headaches. Ingredients: Cinchona icinalis 4X (headache better when lying down), Condurango 4X (constitutional pain), Pulsatilla 4X (wandering stitches and pain about head, extending to face and teeth), Aceticum acidum 6X (ner's headache), Arsenicumalbum 6X (headaches improved by cold; other symptoms are worsenedby cold), Asafoetida 6X (darting pain and caries in bones; periosteum painful, enlarged, swollen with ulcers; caries nasal bones), Lycopodium clavatum 6X (headache with light-headedne), Natrum sulphuricum 6X (occipital pain; drilling in right temple), Phosphoricum acidum 6X (head heavy and confused, worsened by shaking or noise; crushing headache; periosteal pains), Secale cornutum 6X (headache; insomnia with restle ne ; anxious dreams; pale face with congestive pain; conditions are improved by cold (contraryto Arsenicum album); excessive thirst; twitching abdomen muscles), Araneadiadema 8X (periodicity symptoms; cold sand great susceptibilityto dampne), Kalmia latifolia 8X (rapidly changing pain; rheumatic pain; neuralgias), Strychninum nitricum 8X (hyperirritability and restle ne with bursting headache and heat in eyes), Calcarea phosphorica 10X (headache, worse in the region sutures and from change weather), Carbo vegetab's 10X (headaches from any overindulgence; hair feels sore; head feels heavy and constricted), Curare 10X (lancinating pain all over head; head drawn backward; sensation brain feeling full fluid), Mercurius praecipitatus ruber 10X (sensitivity periosteum, tendency to periosteum swelling with pain), Silicea 10X (pain beginning at occiput, spreading over head and settling over eyes, especially left side, improved by warm compre es), Uranium nitricum 12X (important trace element), Bryonia alba 30X (bursting and splitting headache as everything would be pureed out; worse with motion), 15 mg each/300 mg tablet.