For temporary relief of nausea and other minor abdominal complaints. BHI Nausea is useful for treatment queasine, vomiting, and nausea. It also helps relieve stomach pains which radiate into the chest. Ingredients: Anacardium orientale 6X (hunger pain improved by eating; dispepsia; intermittency symptoms, irresistible urge to swear and curse; painful vesicles with fetid odor in the mouth, burning as from pepper), Ipecacuanha 6X (persistent nausea and vomiting; spasmodic effections; cough with the sensation that the stomach will turn), Argentum nitricum 8X (stitching pain on left side stomach with ulceration; great desire for sweets; gastroenteritis; er's in perception; impatience), Robinia pseudoacacia 10X (acid stomach symptoms; intense acrid eructations), Carbo vegetab's 12X (nausea in morning), Iodium 12X (al's hungry and thirsty), Sepia 30X (nausea at sight and smell food), 42. 86 mg each/300 mg tablet.